
Date: 20th August 2022

Have you ever read comments on a song on YouTube?

Songs that make you fall in love with life? Songs that make you feel there’s so much more even when you’re going through shit? Songs that make you feel everything’s gonna be ok?

Firstly, I’m grateful that such songs exist. I honestly don’t know what the point of life will be if there’s no music.

So yeah, back to the point. The comments man. I love them. I never used to read comments. But this one song was so beautiful – Choo lo by The Local Train and when I jumped to the comment section, it was filled with broken love stories. People who fell in love, fought for it but still couldn’t get it. Some accepted their fate, some still couldn’t get over it. They just shared their stories – like they’re letting it all out.

The things they’ve been through. Their sufferings. I might have not experienced the same pain but I was able to understand their pain. Their emotion.

I love unity. I love when people unite or when they connect for one purpose (not promoting terrorism). And the reason I read those comments is because I was able to connect with those who wrote them. Of course, they don’t know me but reading their stories and feeling so connected with them feels like a warm and tight hug from them. Like they trust me. It’s a beautiful feeling.

(add screenshots of some Choo Lo comments)